The Vendee tourism directory

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Island - L'Ile d'Yeu


A beautiful island to visit for a day trip. A cycling paradise, with quiet lanes and sea-view trails around the coast. Very few cars on the island. Fabulous scenery, from the sands and pine forests of the north side, to the moorland, rocky cliffs and coves of the south side. Pretty hamlets and an ancient fort to visit. Nice restaurants at the port. You can get the boat from Fromentine or from St Gilles for the day trip and hire bikes at the port. It's easy for family cycling with children and you can get right round the island in the day. If it gets too long, you can always cut accross the centre of the island and back to Port Joinville. 

  • Area : North West Vendee
  • Location : Ile d'Yeu
  • Main town : Port Joinville
  • Ferry season dates: April to September
  • Ferry times : 8.00 out, 17.30 back
  • Ferry price guide : Adults from €36 return